Flipping Perspectives About Sex And Overpopulation
Ask not what fertility can do for you, but what you can do for fertility
Roaring Rivers
Torrents, Currents, and Ripples by Christyl Rivers, PhD
Overpopulation misinformation
My last story advising you to have sex for fun and not for kids was incomplete. And it was rushed. The story: Have sex to enjoy life not to have children was not well-received.
Next time I tag with SEX! SEX! SEX!, which I somehow totally forgot to tag even once last time.
It’s very vital in the modern world that we recognize that life is indeed sacred. People are part of life so people are sacred. But every flower petal, every bee’s brain, every tail of every whale (even killer orcas) is sacred. Every oak grove, every drop in a waterfall, every grain of sand, every scoop of soil. Every coral polyp. Every magnificent Mandarin fish. Every boring sardine.
The splendid feather on the vulnerable blue Hyacinth Macaw swooshing through the Pantanal is fantastically gorgeous, but it is no less sacred than the forgotten feathers of the chicken sandwich you ate last week.
She, (usually she is a hen because they also lay eggs), values her life as much as the Macaw values her own. And, you also value yours.
Life is sacred because although it may not be rare in the universe, it is known only to have evolved here, on this planet.
Therefore, since biology and life-supporting worlds are really special, we should be about 1,000 times more pro-life than we are. Except when it comes to humans, of which we have too many in relational balance to those Macaws, Orcas, and bees.
That said, we have to also allow for choice.
Yes, we need far more women in STEM and men in HEAL, but we also need to let each person have complete choice and autonomy.
There is no way to over emphasize this. If we don’t allow for autonomy, we will never see other beings (who support a biosphere) as being just as needed as we are.
Denying choice tells one person — or species — “you have less value”.
Free and accessible contraception should be a human right because it is human sprawl and growth and excess that is endangering biodiversity and human happiness.
Be wanted, by wanting everyone else
Sex, as mentioned last time, is created by God/Nature for spreading neurochemicals that create nurturing, bonding, protection, and pleasure.
The world needs gallons of that stuff, but not more human beings.
Pro-natal policies are not for the good of the planet but for the support of the state, and economy, of that particular place.
But, Earth has no separate places, only those we create. If you don’t believe me, talk to the former trees that are now particulates in your lungs because smoke from fires spreads…
We must regard human rights so we can move forward to care about the rights of a sustaining planet. If the forty percent of people born who are unplanned were desperately wanted, loved, needed, and provided for, we all would be better off.
I will close with this. Have as many children as you want, but make sure they have a clean, green world to which they can add vitality too, not just add more trash or toxic fumes through our wasteful ways.
Let’s make sure all people can give back at least as much as they take.
For most people, this reduces the number of children they can unselfishly have to the replacement price of one child per one person, or two per couple.
In places where opportunity and access to healthy infrastructure is lacking, fertility rates are not falling as they are in richer areas. Toxins and forever chemicals do affect people (and fertility) because we choose to use them. But, all other living beings affected have no choice.
This is a concern that every person must care about.
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