Let The Price Of Gasoline Go Up To $20

Unpopular, but stay with me just a moment

Christyl Rivers, Phd.
3 min readJan 12, 2022

Very Unpopular Strong Opinions Blog by Christyl Rivers

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Gonna have to face it, you’re addicted to sludge

We are addicted to gasoline. We lapped up all the greenwashing lies that said we are doing so much better, and using “transition” fuels, such as natural gas. We are investing in algae-colored, green-washing, smears of reality.

No real serious investment is going into make algae energy; it was just a way to make big oil pretend as if they are confronting our peril.

We even bought into the super effective lie that each person much mind their carbon foot print, and never look over there at the man behind the climate-heated, on-fire landscape curtain. They are the ones pulling the levers, keeping the funds flowing to corporate ghouls and law-makers while people and planets unravel and die.

Everyone will howl when the cost of gasoline goes up to $20 a gallon and beyond. Even me. But, it’s time to see the real cost of sucking this stuff out of the ground and pouring it all over our atmosphere, water, soil, and food. That is much more costly than $20 per gallon.



Christyl Rivers, Phd.

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.