The writer is sincere and thoughtful, deeply caring.
There are some good ideas here, but also some erroneous ones. Life begins at implantation, not conception, otherwise each woman who has had sex would have almost as many children as she has menses. Many scientists believe life begins at consciousness, which is not till 24 weeks.
Many others don't believe in a soul, or a human life having greater ( a subjective) value than any other animal. Human beings need other biodiversity, to live, and we are far out of balance with nature.
There are MANY views, no settled ones, in science.
As too climate, nothing is fine. We are in enormous trouble, especially with the sixth extinction, plagues to come with zoonoses as we have now, and much worse ahead. Millions of scientists of thousands of disciplines verify.
It is good for some people to use faith, but without truth, faith is decietful and will kill many, many more than does abortion.